Today I thought I would address a question I get often, and it has to do with bad shit and why it happens sometimes when we're working with Daemons.
Question: I've been working with a specific Daemon and bad things keep happening. Why?
Answer: It could be one of several things.
A. Life just happens and sometimes what happens is shit.
B. You made a really shitty decision and this is the result/consequence.
C. The Daemonic has been talking but you haven't been listening and they're trying to get your attention.
D. Sometimes you need to go through some deep shit in order to change your life/thinking/habits in the way they need to be changed in order for you to grow and learn.
One of those things is usually the reasons for a bad day, or bad shit happening. And again, bad things happen to everyone (myself included). There isn't always a spiritual reason for it. Sometimes shit just happens and it sucks, and we do our best to deal with it and move on the best we can.
Basically, you could be equating two separate things that are actually unrelated.
Then again, when working with Daemons regularly, especially with regard to pathworking, I always assume they're trying to teach me something when shit goes down. In that case my advice is to look for the lesson.
Ask yourself some questions:
1. How could I handle (have handled) the situation better?
2. Is this situation something I could have controlled? How so?
3. Did a poor choice on my part cause this situation/thing to happen?
4. How did this situation or event make me feel?
5. How can I change my inner feelings or control my actions next time I find myself in a similar situation or event?
6. Do others see the situation or event the same way I saw it? For example, does everyone think I'm blowing it out of proportion? If so, could there be truth to it?
7. Am I reacting to my own fears or insecurities? Is my behavior a direct result of my big feelings? If yes, is emotional regulation hard for me? If yes, why?
8. What have I learned from this situation/event? What will I take away as the lesson?
Lather, Rise, Repeat.
That said, everyone should remember some key things about LIFE generally. Because everyone has experienced all of this at least once.The likelihood of any of this being because of curses and/or demons is on the very rare side.
1. Someone we love dies or a pet dies. Death is inevitable and just because it happens doesn't have to mean anything spiritual.. None of us is guaranteed another day. Remember that and live each day as if it were your last. I don't know about you, but I've lost a lot of people I love, as I imagine many who are reading this have, too. It's not due to a curse or a demon. It's LIFE.
2. You get a flat tire, your car breaks down, or your electronics go haywire or break. Mechanical things fail all the time for everyone. That's life. Most things are programmed with obsolescence or they wear out.
3. You get caught up in a natural disaster. Certain areas are more prone and likely to get hit with certain types of natural disaster. If you live in said area, your chances increase for being caught up in a storm or geological event. These types of situations are due to climate or geology and have science to explain them.
4. You get sick. We all get sick. Some of us get mildly sick and then get better. Some of us get really sick and recover. Some get sick and die. Some are sick their entire lives. That has more to do with viruses, bacteria, genetics, exposure, immunity, and overall health and hygiene than anything else. We have science to explain why people get sick. We have medicine that sometimes can help cure or help the sick, and sometimes there's nothing that can be done. See number 1.
5. You experienced a conflict. So does everyone. You are a person living in a world with other people. Conflict is inevitable at some point. It's a mathematical probability. This is also where we start leaning toward conflict being a vehicle by which Daemons impart messages. So while yes, it could be a message, it could also just be that you ran into someone having a shit day, and they took it out on you because they had no emotional regulation in that moment.
So don't be so quick to rush to demons and curses as the cause for all the problems you face that aren't internal or self-created. Sometimes, shit just happens.
And when in doubt - ALWAYS look for the lesson.
Author's Note: It could also very well be you're talking to/working with a self-created thought-form or you've attracted an "other" spirit that is pretending to be what you want it to be, and is feeding on your stress, anxiety, sadness, anger, negativity, by wreaking havoc. Though this is likely a rarer incident. If you think it could be a spirit or thoughtform pretending to be a Daemon - read this article HERE about learning discernment.